
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New album from Justin Timberlake sells 1 million copies

Justin Timberlake's comeback album has sold nearly 1 million copies in its first week out. The 20/20 Experience," Justin Timberlake's first album since 2006, sold 968,000 copies in its first week since launch, according to data released Tuesday. The numbers give the artist, 32, the lead in Billboard 200 which will be released on Wednesday, and is the best result of his solo career.
New album from Justin Timberlake sells 1 million copies

New album from Timberlake exceeds sales expectations in 1st week

There was the expectation that the new album of the former lead singer of the band N'Sync sold about 750 thousand copies, pushed by a strong release schedule.

Bucking the general trend of shrinking music market in recent years, Timberlake's new album sold about 300,000 copies more than recorded in the first week of his previous album, "FutureSex / LoveSounds", 2006.

"The 20/20 Experience" marks the return of Timberlake's music career after a phase where he devoted himself to making films as an actor, in addition to launching a new record label, invest in social network MySpace and marrying actress Jessica Biel .

1 comment:

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