
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oprah named the most powerful celebrity in the world, according to Forbes

Tv presenter and businesswoman Oprah Winfrey has been named on Wednesday as the world's most powerful celebrity by Forbes magazine. The top 10 most powerful celebrity in the world had six women and four men in the ranking.

Oprah named the most powerful celebrity in the world

This is the fifth time that the host and owner of OWN dominates the list.Singer Lady Gaga comes second, and filmmaker Steven Spielberg came in third, ahead of singers Beyonce and Madonna.
Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities 2013

"There is no one with that kind of consistency and power (like Oprah)," said Dorothy Pomerantz of site. "There are only three people who were in all our lists since 1999. They are Oprah (the broadcaster) Howard Stern and Steven Spielberg."

Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities 2013 - Top 10

  1. Oprah Winfrey
  2. Lady Gaga
  3. Steven Spielberg
  4. Beyonce Knowles
  5. Madonna
  6. Taylor Swift
  7. Bon Jovi
  8. Roger Federer
  9. Justin Bieber
  10. Ellen DeGeneres

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