
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Death of the Blackberry: Decline, Sale

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman stems from both his personal experiences and the era in which the playwright was bred. Instead of humbling its audience through the shock of recognition of technological advancement the RIM confers upon itself a blackdeath.

Death of the Blackberry

BlackBerry,according to Gartner report has on the world ranking of smartphone systems slipped to fourth place.The market share of Blackberry has almost halved within a year to just 2.7 percent.

The introduction of the new operating system Z10 and Q10 release has sold worse than analysts expected.

Increasingly population of business customers are opting for the iPhone or Android devices.The companies the Canadian Research in Motion underestimated.

Apparently Blackberry at this time is on the search for a buyer.On August 12 BlackBerry reported that a committee was established, which deals with potential sale or partnerships. Prem Watsa announced his resignation from the Board following that decision. The businessman from Toronto is the largest shareholder. Talks with Microsoft reportedly ended without success.The first BlackBerry in 1999.Three months ago, Blackberry was still worth $ 8.2 billion at the exchange. Meanwhile, there are less than six billion. The numbers are deteriorating rapidly. Is this the end of Blackberry. Has death finally come to the once addicted pinned trackball messaging device?

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