
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kenny Ojo sits down for revealing interview about New Fashion House: SBC

Kenny Ojo, creator of new fashion house SBC sits down for a revealing interview about his ambitions with the brand. Fashion is an expression, a statement without making a sound. SBC (Strong Brave Conquer) as a brand looks to help their customer create this statements regardless of what their fashion sense is. They want their customers to be able to express their fashion feel with their products.

Kenny Ojo sits down for interview  New Fashion House: SBC
Celebrities Rocking SBC

SBC drives on the uniqueness and creativity they put into every garment. Relatively new at the moment but going in the right direction to create an “identity” in the fashion industry.
 New Fashion House: SBC
The Interview with Kenny.

Tell us  SBC how did it start and where did the name come from?
I got the idea for SBC in January 2011 and started working on designs and the look for the brand. I have never owned a business prior to this hence it was more of learning on my feet situation. Eventually September of 2011the first products was available to friends and family as they were the only ones who knew about the brand at this stage. We officially went into the general market in April 2012. The name SBC means (Strong Brave Conquer). I’ve always believed in Life on the Strong are Brave enough to Conquer challenges. That’s where the name comes from.

Fashion is a tough industry to work in, what made you want to launch in this sector?
Fashion is a very tough and challenging industry but I feel it’s a challenge I want to take on. Every worthwhile industry or sector is tough and hard to get into. I’ve always loved fashion, always tried to dress well and be different in my wardrobe approach hence I thought what better way to be unique than create garments no one else has and hopefully people like. I challenged my creativity to stand out among the crowd in the fashion world and I feel we are on the way to create an identity and make a mark in the fashion world

Tell us about your ideal customer…
My idea customer will be a trendy individual who is willing to be different and not afraid of the little twist in taste from the orthodox way of things. In return we will deliver garments to make our customer stand out and make people ask “where did you get that from?” our products are also very affordable.

What was the defining moment in your life that made you want to launch the business?
I became unemployed in 2011 and started looking for another Job. Times were hard and opportunities were hard to come by hence I decided to put my passion into creativity and started designing my garments. It all started as a means to pass the time really while I looked for work. By the time I started working again, I’ve become so into the idea it was impossible to stop and go back to an ordinary 9-5. Then I started executing my ideas now that I had some income to do so and that’s how the business is still run till today.

Running your own business is hard work, can you tell us about your journey so far?
Well it has been a lot of ups and downs. We have gained recognition for our work in one hand been shortlisted for designer of the Year at Leeds fashion show 2012 and in other cases lost and entire run of garments due to errors and situations beyond my control. It has been a challenge, a challenge I am willing to accept and hope it leads to someplace we can be proud of our achievements.

How do you feel your products differ to others on the market?
The creativity we put in our garments and the twist on the normal products in the market does make is stand out. Out sleeveless hoodies is like nothing that can ever be purchased anywhere else as big as the hoodie market is with most brands making this. We drive to form a unique identity and you only have to see out V pattern jumper to know we are not the average brand, we really are different.

In 2013, what can we expect to see from you?
SBC will be doing a lot of appearance across a few catwalks this AW2013/2014 season and will be showing some new garments coming from the brand. Also we will venture into accessories more this year and are currently working on some luggage products which I am most excited about.

To date, what has been your career highlight?
To dat, has to be the nomination for designer of the year within 10 months of putting the brand in the market. Although I did not win on that occasion, having my name in the hat means I’m doing something right and I was very humbled.
I have also been nominated for a couple of awards this year, NUBAA Best young business of the year for SBC and Best Young entrepreneur of the year for me which I am very humble and grateful for.

Where can people find out more?
The brand is on

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