
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saudi women arrested for driving. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!

Several women arrested for violating driving ban. 14 women have been arrested who have driven in protest against the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia. The women are said to have committed an act of civil disobedience.
Driving ban, Saudi women arrested

"I am too high-born to be propertied, 
To be a secondary at control, 
Or useful serving-man and instrument 
To any sovereign state throughout the world.

Shakespeare and Henry Throreau adapted those words in his Civil disobedience essay.Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women it is forbidden to drive a car. This applies also for the increasing number of women who have obtained a driving license abroad.

The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch welcomes the campaign by the Saudi Arabian women drivers on Thursday.

"It's hard to believe that Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century women still prohibits driving a car, "said Middle East analyst at the organization Rothna Begum. It is high time to address the discrimination enshrined in the system; driving could pave the way for reforms. (Sda)

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