
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kyle Lambert's Morgan Freeman digital art not a picture

Amazing Morgan Freeman digital art not a picture

This is one of the best demonstrations of digital art lately. The drawing was made by the British artist Kyle Lambert. I came across the article titled ''This is not a picture of Morgan Freeman.'' I sat down and watched the nearly 4 minutes video narrate the digital painting of Morgan Freeman. The Youtube posting now has nearly 5 million views in less than 48 hours.

Kyle Lambert has revolutionized social networking since he published this video  on Youtube channel - which has one of the most impressive work of his career painting realistic world finger.

The work, which was conducted through an iPad, had more than 285,000 virtual brush strokes and 200 hours of dedication, becoming one of the most impressive digital paintings in history.

This contemporary painter, used the application Procreate to shape a hyper-realistic portrait of actor Morgan Freeman. 
Watch the video of Morgan Freeman Finger Painting by Kye Lambert.

1 comment:

  1. This is BS. Kyle Lambert claimed he did something he did not do. If you overlay the original picture with his supposed end result it's exactly the same. He's simply revealing the actual photo under his mess of a paint job. He's probably been doing this with all his supposed creative works. He most likely just puts some filter on a photo and pretends to paint it on, when he in fact is just revealing the photo. It's a parlor trick and someone should report on the fact that he's just a glorified sales person, in which the media is selling for him. Buy his AP now. ;)
