
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nigeria: Boko Haram set conditions for peace talk

On October 19, I blogged about the end of Boko Haram. Click to revisit the post here. A copy of Thursday's Wall Street Journal reads 'Alleged Member of Nigeria Sect Offers Peace Talks.'
Boko Haram offers peace talks and ceasefire in Nigeria

The radical Islamist sect Boko Haram set conditions Thursday for peace talks with Nigeria's government, asking that negotiations to end its bloody guerrilla fight be held outside of the nation, possibly Saudi Arabia and that a former military ruler Gen Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) be involved as the negotiator.
According to the Wall Street Journal the demands came during a telephone conference call with local journalists in Maiduguri, Nigeria. The man, who identified himself as Abu Mohammed Ibn Abdulaziz, said the peace talks must be held in Saudi Arabia and involve former Buhari. The man said those were conditions set by Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram's leader.
"We are not actually challenging the state, as people are saying, but the security (forces) who are killing our members, children and wives," the man said in the call. "We are highly offended but if this government is sincere, everything (the attacks) will come to an end. We want to dialogue but government must show sincerity in its handling of the situation."
The man also said that authorities also must arrest former Borno state Gov. Ali Modu Sheriff as a precondition for talks, as well as compensate sect members whose family members have been killed. Imprisoned sect members also must be immediately released, the man said.

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