
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It All Ends: All eyes on FLORIDA

Winner takes all in Florida

Mitt Romney has nine ways to win the presidency now with all the odds against him. And it makes Florida a must-win - lose there and Obama is re-elected.
Nearly 4.5 million Floridians voted ahead of Election Day, a total that represents almost 40 percent of the state’s 12 million registered voters and half of those likely to vote.
The results of the early vote have not been announced
The small margin separating Obama and Romney means Florida's results might require a recount. That process is triggered automatically if the margin of victory is half a percentage point or less.
All eyes on FLORIDA

Here's the latest on the count from Florida at 2243 - with 90% tallied, Obama has the edge with 49.9% and Romney on 49.3%. That's recount territory. Echoes of the 2000 election… But if Obama wins the Sunshine State, it's looking very gloomy indeed for Romney.
Go Obama! The Motorcade is here

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