
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Malia and Sasha Obama

Two strong, smart, beautiful, black and stylish young women, Malia and Sasha Obama

Malia  Obama 14 and Sasha Obama 11 can date. Michelle and Barrack Obama watching TV at the White House with Malia and Sasha

In an interview on election day, President Obama was asked by US radio host Ryan Seacrest whether the girls would be allowed to date boys during his second term. The president said: "I think any young man who has the guts to get through Secret Service deserves a hearing." lol
The US president has long maintained a commitment to allowing Malia, 14, and Sasha, 11, to grow up as normally as possible, and pledged that over the next four years they would also have a special area in the White House for sleepovers with school friends.
By the time their Obama leaves office, the girls will be 18 and 15.
They will have spent most of their school years living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and Malia will be at the age of proms and university applications.

Malia and Sasha are not on facebook

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