
Friday, December 28, 2012

Madonna's 'Raising Malawi' builds 10 Schools in Malawi

Madonna build 10 schools in Malawi
Madonna‘s charity 'Raising Malawi' has announced that it has helped to build 10 schools in the poverty-stricken country. 
The primary schools, which are located in rural villages across Malawi, were built via a partnership between Madonna, Raising Malawi and the global non-profit organization buildOn. Six of the schools are already being used; all ten will be ready to receive students in January. Overall, the schools will educate 4,871 children.

Children in newly built school in malawi by madonna

In a statement, Madonna said that she is “overjoyed” that her “commitment…to help educate the children of Malawi has come to fruition.” She added, “In a country where girls have little opportunity for education, it’s additionally inspiring to know that more than half the students attending will be young girls.”

Madonna founded Raising Malawi in 2006 to help end the poverty and hardship endured by the one million orphans and vulnerable children in that country. In 2006 she adopted toddler David Banda under controversial circumstances and two years later adopted another child, Mercy James.

Congrats to Madonna and buildOn, this is a great accomplishment

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