
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

''I want to coach in England'' says Guardiola

Pep Guardiola wants to coach in English premier league

Former FC Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola has revealed that his ambition in the future is to coach in the English Premier League.

Guardiola is currently enjoying a year out of the game after leaving Barca following four successful years during which he won three Spanish BBVA League titles, the Champions League on two occasions, the Copa del Rey twice and two World Club Championships along with Spanish and European Supercups.

In a video message to mark the 150th anniversarye of the English Football Association, Guardiola stated:

"I've always found English football very fascinating, just for the environment, the crowd and the supporters," said Guardiola.

"As a player, I couldn't realize my dream to play there (in England) but I hope in the future, I have a challenge to be a coach or a manager there and feel the experience of all the coaches and players that have been there."

"It is unique, to play in that league. I want to feel the supporters, the environment, the media and the style of the players and everything," 

"I am still young, just 41, so I hope in the future I could be able to train there and enjoy that," he concluded.

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