
Friday, February 8, 2013

Goodluck Jonathan, whose side are you on?

Goodluck Jonathan, whose side are you on?

The Defence Headquarters Thursday disclosed that Nigeria has so far deployed about 500 military personnel in the ongoing African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA).

“The Defence Headquarters wishes to inform the Nigerian media of the current deployment status of Nigerian contingent to the current African Led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA). Director of Defence Information Col Yerima said.

The Federal Government approved the deployment of about 776 battalion to Mali, which was later increased by Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan to 1,200 military personnel.

I'm wondering how many Nigerians support this notion. Should I be proud of the Federal Government's  plan to add more troops as essential services to Mali? No. We can hardly produce  educated and productive people, half the population is under poverty lines, Boko Haram's getting stronger and stronger. Why spend Nigeria's budget to help Mali when Nigeria is suffering from debt.

A win in Mali is a lose lose for Nigeria. Does Mali weigh more than Nigeria now? 
President Goodluck Jonathan whose side are you on?

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