
Monday, March 25, 2013

2.3 million deaths from too much salt

The doctors at Harvard University analyzed from 247 studies of research institutions in 50 countries to sodium intake of adults and found out about In 2010 alone, too much salt in the diet caused 2.3 million deaths due to cardiovascular diseases.

2.3 million deaths from too much salt

Among the dead are very many men. In 2010 alone, too much salt in the diet caused 2.3 million deaths due to cardiovascular diseases.

Almost one million of the 2.3 million people affected - almost forty percent - died aged less than 70 years.Almost two-thirds of the dead were male.Heart attacks were in 42 percent of cases the cause of death, followed closely by 41 percent of strokes.

Cardiovascular disease according to the World Health Organization set (WHO), is now the most frequent cause of death"Comprehensive national and global programs for sodium reduction could potentially save millions of lives," lead author Dariush Mozaffarian said 

Among the 30 largest countries in the world had the Ukraine has the highest death rate due to high salt intake.More than 2000 people died there, according to the physicians per million population in 2010 from the effects of excessive sodium intake.

The lowest rates were reported in Kenya and Qatar.Details on all the countries studied but should be included in the full study, the scientists want to publish later this year in a professional journal.

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