
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Argentina's Bergoglio elected Pope Francis

There’s a new Catholic pope, signals the white smoke coming from the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. The 266th pope of the worldwide Catholic Church will be revealed shortly when he takes to the balcony in front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square.
new pope elected

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio takes name of Francis after accepting his election as 266th head of Roman Catholic church

Born in Argentina, Pope Francis is the first Latin American to lead the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the first Jesuit.

A bishop from 1992, he became Cardinal of Buenos Aires in 1998, and at the 2005 conclave was seen as a contender for the papacy.

His election took many by surprise in his home city, where many had thought his age ruled him out

He was announced to the crowd waiting in St Peter's Square from the vast balcony that runs across the front of St Peter's basilica.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected in a surprise choice to be the new leader of the troubled Roman Catholic Church, and said he would take the name Francis I.

Pope Francis, 76, appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica just over an hour after white smoke poured from a chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel to signal he had been chosen to lead the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.
Argentina's Bergoglio elected Pope Francis

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