
Monday, March 25, 2013

Pope Francis: "Jesus did not say to Judas , You are a thief'

We must learn from Jesus' the patience toward sinners and our own sins. The Pope recalled during the short homily of the Mass celebrated, as usual, in the Chapel of Santa Marta'' House'' in the Vatican, this morning, the fact that Judas was known for his theft from the common fund, but pointed out, "Jesus 'did not tell him:' You are a thief.''  
Francis Pope: "Jesus  did not say to Judas  , 'You are a thief,'  took patience

We will do well to think - in this Holy Week said Pope Francis - the patience of God, that the Lord has patience with us, with our weaknesses, our sins."

Pope Francis also focused on the passage from Isaiah in the first reading, presenting "the icon of the 'servant of God', as meekness, patience. "When you think about the patience of God, that's a mystery!", Exclaimed Francis Pope.

How much patience he has with us! We do many things, but He is patient," were the words of the new Pope. The Lord also said citing the parable of the "Prodigal Son", is patient "like the father of the Gospel says he saw his son from afar, the son who had gone with all the money of his inheritance. "And why, he asked the Pope, saw from afar?" Why every day going up to see if the child back. "This, he repeated Papa Francesco," is God's patience, this is the patience of Jesus. "

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