
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

France approves gay marriage and adoption

Gay marriage is approved by the French National Assembly. After hard fought debate and massive protests that drew hundreds of thousands to the streets of Paris, France becomes the 14th country to approve same sex marriage.
France gay marriage

The bill was approved in France, on Tuesday, with 331 votes for and 225 against, the marriage between persons of the same sex in the National Assembly. The bill passed in France  is very comprehensive and gives same sex couples the right to adoption. It also allows people from other countries to marry in the country.

The bill also includes:
The French will be able to marry a foreigner of the same sex or two foreigners of the same sex can be married in France, even in the case where the law of their countries do not recognize the validity of same-sex marriage.

The new law modifies, for all marriages, heterosexual and homosexual, the rules of the family name. In case of disagreement between the parents, the name of the two will be given to the child, in alphabetical order. In case there can be no choice for the child already has an affiliation blood, the child takes the father's name, as at present.

The law is to grant the people of the same sex as the freedom to marry and the right to adopt. The new Article 142 of the Civil Code will indicate that "marriage is a contract between persons of different sexes or the same sex." The provisions arising as the age of the bride and groom, are as they were.

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