
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Madonna to sell painting to fund education for girls

Madonna has decided to sell the famous painting "Three Women at the Red Table 'by French artist Fernand Leger to fund the education of girls in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Madonna to sell Painting to fund education for girls

The painting will be sold on May 7th at Sotheby's auction house in New York, and the Madonna is hoping to achieve between 5 to 7 million dollars. "I can not accept a world where women and girls are injured, shot or killed for going to school or for teaching in girls' schools. We have no time to be complacent," Madonna said in a statement. "I want to negotiate something valuable for something priceless - Educate Girls!" Added the singer.

Madonna holds the painting for more than 20 years after buying it at Sotheby's in 1990.

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