
Monday, May 20, 2013

Man climbs St. Peter's Basilica to protest

An Italian man climbed the dome of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, where he opened a poster with protest phrases about the economic crisis and also against the euro on Monday. 
Man clumbs St Peter's Basilica to protest

The Italian is the entrepreneur  Marcello Di Finizio and owner of the restaurant "La Voce della Luna" the city of Trieste in northeastern Italy. He entered the Vatican as a tourist, jumped a security fence and ended up in "skylight" Dome.  He had the poster at his back with the phrase "Stop al massacro in all'euro" ("Stop the massacre, not the euro" ).

According to the Italian press, Di Finizio protest against the Bolkestein directive of the European Law, which requires that land may be auctioned from 2015. The businessman may lose his restaurant as a result and claims that the legislation has already led the industry to ruin.

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