
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Flying Bike, the invention of the moment

Three Czech companies joined forces yesterday to show the latest invention of the moment, a prototype electric flying bicycle, operated by remote control. The bike is able to take off, fly for five minutes and land safely in an exhibition hall in Prague.

Flying Bike
Flying Bike

Flying Bicycle
Great invention in Prague

Czech researchers develop a flying bicycle

The device has a mountain bike and weighs 95 kilos.It has two horizontal propellers powered by batteries in front, two in the back and one on each side.

Milan Duchek, a manufacturer of bicycle frame, said more powerful batteries will be needed before a human being can perform a test flight.

Best batteries allow more time for the flying bike in the air, as the current serve just about five minutes.

"Since the battery capacity doubles about every 10 years, we can expect that in the future will have sufficient capacity to use the bike in sports, tourism or similar activities, said Duchek

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