
Monday, December 23, 2013

Wole Soyinka "Troubled Nigeria to wreck"

Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka on Sunday warned that the already troubled Nigeria was heading for a ‘shipwreck.’
Wole Soyinka: Troubled Nigeria going for a ship wreck

Soyinka in the brief statement said, “an APC-led group, we understand, has been paying courtesy visits to former Heads of States. Would it be correct to state that their purpose is captured in the following Mission Statement? ‘Tinubu said that the APC had resolved to rescue Nigeria, appealing to Obasanjo to lead the mission. We’re resolved and determined to rescue Nigeria. We want you as navigator,’ he said.”

Soyinka, added, “If this attribution is correct, may I urge you, as an urgent public service, to advise families to begin the stockpiling of life-belts for the guaranteed crash. Don’t forget to alert the coastguards—ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), AU (African Union), UNO (United Nations Organization) etc, to be on the alert for possible salvage operations.

“If General Sani Abacha were alive today, would he also have been on the ship’s complement? As Captain perhaps?”, Soyinka queried.

Is there any truth in Soyinka's statement? Has he taken Tinubu's quote out of context? 

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