
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Are Pastors Part of the Nigerian shadow government

Are Pastors Part of the Nigerian shadow government

Nigerian Pastors Part of the government
Nigerian pastors are known for their part in shadow government. They tend to form a formidable force or form of agreement in the dark with the politicians and then preach the message on the altar. "The righteous is a guide to his neighbor; But the way of the wicked cause them to err." Proverbs 12:26 Rightly put, that some of these pastors are responsible in part to the corruption of our great country.

Most popular Nigerian pastors have been associated with current and past leaders of the country. They are helpers during election times: a guide to reach out to the congregation. To convince the public to get the votes out.Some of them are no different from the real politician. They are bribed, blackmailed and appear clueless when approached with such subject matter.

Noted speaker W Clement Stone warned that 'Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.'

It is sad that you hardly see or hear any of these pastors condemn a bad leader. They know some of the leaders are corrupt. In fact, they are friends in the dark. They form part of the shadow government to run the affairs of the country. 

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