
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Great State of the Union Speech from Barrack Obama

Barrack Obama State of the union speeches is one of the best in a longtime. The 63 minutes speech was tactful, funny, energetic and inspiring.  It was a great speech from a good man and good President.
Great State of the Union Speech from Barrack Obama

1. Year of Action
"Let there be a year of action to take. Thats what most Americans want, that everyone in this area focuses on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations." 

2. How America sure is
"The lowest unemployment rate in more than five years. A rebound in housing. An industry where the number of jobs for the first time since the 90s increases. More oil produced in place from the rest of the world imported domestically . It is the first time in nearly 20 years that to happen. Our deficit has declined by more than half. And for the first time in more than a decade, businessmen from around the world who say that China is no longer the best place to investing. called America. "

 3. Scope federal government 
"a couple of years we have been busy here with a bitter fight over the size of the federal government. An important discussion, going back to our origins. But this discussion keeps us from performing the most basic tasks of our democracy and if our disagreements government must close its doors or confidence in the United States is being undermined, we the American people do not deserve. "

4. Inequality has increased 
"After four years of economic growth, operating results and stock prices higher than rarely before and will happen to the people at the top better than ever., but the average salary is barely growing. Inequality has increased. flight up has stalled . (...) It is our task to return (...) that trend, some measures require the consent of the Congress, and I like to work with everyone, but America does not stand still -.., and I do not So. If I can increase without any legislation is required, the potential for more American families than I will. "

5. Women & Work
"Today, women make up half of the workforce, but they still earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men earn. That's wrong, and in 2014 even outright mockery. A woman is entitled to the same amount of money for the same work. They also have the right to have children without having to sacrifice her job. A mother may get a free day to care for a sick child or a sick parent without being financially in trouble for it, and a father moreover.'s high time to deal with workplace policy that appears to come from an episode of Mad Men. " 

6. Stamp "Made in the USA"
"We need to work together on issues such as bipartisan trade to protect, protect our environment and to open new goods bearing the stamp" Made in the USA. "China and Europe are not new markets, our workforce on the sidelines. That's what we should do. "

7. Nuclear materials
 "U.S. diplomacy has prompted more than 50 countries to prevent nuclear materials in the wrong hands, and allow to reduce. our dependence on supplies from the Cold War to us" 

 8. Cleaner energy
"The shift to a cleaner energy economy is not from one day to the next and involves difficult choices. But the debate is certain. Climate change is a fact. And if our grandchildren will soon look at us and ask if we do everything have done to make that features new energy, a safer, more stable world behind them, I want us to be able to say: "Yes, we have done everything. '"

9. Weapons
"Citizenship means standing up for the lives that day from us to be snatched away by violence with guns. I plan to keep trying, with or without Congress, to avoid involving innocent Americans killed our cinemas, shopping centers or schools more tragedies as visiting Sandy Hook. "

10. NSA and Guantanamo Bay 
 "I will change our security, because the most important work of our intelligence relies on public confidence, here and abroad, that the privacy of ordinary people is not violated. And with the end of the war in Afghanistan , this must be the year that Congress abolishes the last restrictions on transporting prisoners. We will close Guantanamo Bay. "

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