
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Remembering Chinua Achebe: A Year Later

Chinua Achebe: A Year Later

Osaseye waited quietly to see those who will remember Nigerian literary icon Chinua Achebe who passed away on March 21st, 2013. A year later, most of his friends and even country people has forgotten about him. Nigeria forgot to pause and remember one of African's great.  It's funny how people forget about what you have done when you're gone. That day was a day of great sorrow for me, Nigerians and the world at large.

"On a more personal note of course his loss is still hard to bear but must be accepted. Chinua Achebe was here for a purpose which he clearly fulfilled and has moved on. It is left for his millions of heirs to take up his battle cry.'' wrote Ngozi Achebe, niece to Chinua Achebe.

"Importantly too his book Arrow of God came of age this year celebrating a half century. While Things Fall Apart is regarded as his magnum opus, there is no doubt that Chinua Achebe himself had a special love for Arrow of God. In the preface of the second edition he declared, tongue in cheek no doubt, that no pater familias worth his salt would be so unwise as to choose favorites amongst his offspring. However, he did say that it was the one book more than any other that he was likely to be caught reading. I know what he meant. It was also my own favorite too until I met and fell in love with his 1987 Anthills of the Savannah and never looked back. Many events have been slated all over the world this year to celebrate this true literary masterpiece."

Chinua Achebe, Nigerian Novelist, Dies

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