
Sunday, March 23, 2014

James Franco, Seth Rogen Kim Kardashian's Vogue cover

James Franco, Seth Rogen Kim Kardashian's Vogue cover
Kim Kardashian does not seem to have too many fans among the readers of Vogue. # BoycottVogue have readers of frustration  growing. One of the reactions to Kim and Kanye on Vogue was:  voguemagazine used to be about fashion, class, i used to worship it, now They put sluts on the cover. end of subscription

Kim Kardashian's Vogue cover
But there is not only the bad words. Some show their protest very creative. As actor James Franco (35). Has ever Kanye West parodies .And did not miss this opportunity. Together with the comedian Seth Rogen (31) he brings his version of the cover into circulation. 

What has Kim really done to deserve all these hatred and mockery?

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