
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Why Police watched a pregnant woman stoned and beaten to death?

Breaking News: Police watched a pregnant woman stoned and beaten to death

This is an incident, clearly highlighted, of what is wrong in this world, without any hint of grey area. The attack happened near the gate of the heavily guarded court, the two men said, on one of the busiest roads in Lahore.
The couple had been due to testify there that morning that their marriage was genuine in response to a false charge of kidnapping brought by Farzana's family.

It was not the first time her family had tried to kill the woman, said her lawyer, Rai Ghulan Mustafa.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has demanded to know why police apparently stood by while a pregnant woman was stoned and beaten to death by her family in front of one of the country's top courts, his spokesman said on Thursday.

Farzana Iqbal, 25, was attacked on Tuesday, police said, because she had married the man she loved. Her husband said that police did nothing during the 15 minutes the violence lasted outside Lahore High Court.

"I begged them to help us but they said, this is not our duty," Muhammed Iqbal told Reuters. "I took off my shirt (to be humble) and begged them to save her."

"I am directing the chief minister to take immediate action and a report must be submitted by this evening to my office," it said, quoting Sharif.

"She was screaming and crying 'don't kill me, we will give you money'," said Iqbal. He said he tried to save her but the mob of more than 20 beat him back.

Is this culture or religious insanity?

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