
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Two Weeks and Nothing from Government for Missing Nigerian Schoolgirls

Two Weeks and Nothing from Government for Missing Nigerian Schoolgirls

With rain of rumors comes mysteries. Where are the kidnapped Nigerian girls? Multiple magazine and news media reports the kidnapped girls are being sold. Others with headlines of the girls being forced into marriage. The last group of reporters working closely with the government reports that the militant has made contact for the release of the girls pending a ransom fee. Nigerians demand the government do more to bring home kidnapped girls. Demonstration are gathering more pace with banners of ''Protect the future Nigeria'' ''Rescue Our Chibok Girls" and others.

Boko Haram militants seized about 230 girls at a high school in the nation's far northeast about two weeks ago. The girls were paraded out of their beds and forced into militant trucks on April 16 in the town of Chibok. It's now two weeks since the convoy of trucks disappeared into the dense forest bordering Nigeria-Cameroon. Can the Nigerian government do better? Yes. Should they act better than the current sullen state towards the parents and concerned Nigerians. It's a shame no one is safe at first in the North and now the Islamic extremist are migrating to the South.

"A total of 230 parents registered the names of their daughters who were missing on the day of the kidnap," said Asabe Kwambura, principal of the Government Girls Secondary School. "From my records, 43 girls have so far escaped on their own from their kidnappers. We still have 187 girls missing."

Borno state Education Commissioner Musa inuwa Kubo said the government and the military are doing whatever it takes to secure their release.

"This is a delicate situation that requires careful handling," Kubo said. "When you have heavily armed men holding close to 200 girls hostage, you have to be very careful in your approach so as not to risk the safety of these girls you want to rescue.

"It is a security issue and we just can't be divulging all the efforts we are making to get these girls freed," the education commissioner said.

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