
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nigerian forces have failed: Boko Haram hits 12,000 civilians

Nigerian forces have failed: Boko Haram hits 12,000 civilians

Nigerian forces have failed to stop the Islamist terrorist group from killing or kidnapping more than 12,000 civilians this year, according to Human Rights Watch.

Nigeria President pretends all is well even as the terrorist group continues to declare a caliphate in Nigeria. Can our current leaders and the military forces subdue them? Has Boko Haram forces outgrown the Nigerian military? Nigerian forces and the current government has failed whole-fully. National security is at risk.

Boko Haram militants, who pledge loyalty to the Islamic State, have seized control of a string of towns and villages mostly in northeastern Nigeria. The group made global headlines in April after kidnapping 276 schoolgirls in Chibok.

Boko Haram gunmen killed 48 fish vendors in a Nigerian village close to the border with Chad, the head of the fish traders association said Sunday. The fresh killings bring to 93, the victims killed in 48 hours, even as Nigeria’s president, Goodluck Jonathan claimed that the media are exaggerating the impact of the insurgency.

“The attackers killed their victims silently without the use of the gun to avoid attracting attention from the multi-national troops,”

“The Boko Haram gunmen slit the throats of some of the men and tied the hands and legs of the others before throwing them into the lake to drown,” said eye witness

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