
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Barack and Michelle Obama:_The Love Story Movie

Barack and Michelle Obama:_The Love Story Movie
The love story of the US presidential couple: Barack and Michelle Obama will be produced by Richard Tanne. The movie will feature Chicago's young law student at Harvard and Obama's summer internship at the law firm Sidley Austin where he met Michelle LaVaughn Robinson. in Chicago. Richard Tanne is currently working on "Southside With You", a film that so tell the first round of the presidential couple.

The beginning of a love story embodied by marriage in 1992 that Richard Tanne , screenwriter will tell on the big screen in the film Southside With You . Actress Tika Sumpter , will play Michelle Obama on the screen. The film, filming will start in July 2015 in Chicago. For now, Osaseye cannot confirm the name of the actor who will play the young Barack Obama.

"Stephanie (Producer of Columbia Pictures) and I are very excited to produce this intelligent film and timeless. Richard has really captured the essence of this romantic connection between Barack and Michelle. A prominent link in the way they look. We look forward to finding the perfect Barack Obama , "said Tracey Bing, producer at Warner Independent.


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