Sunday, September 23, 2012

Test tube baby becomes England's beauty queen

test tube baby become Miss England
Lord Winston's IVF success yields Miss England

     Miss Charlotte Holmes’s parents, Vonny and Ken, who are now 60 and 64, had been trying for a baby for eight years when they were accepted on to Lord Winston’s fertility programme at Hammersmith Hospital in 1988.
      The result 23 years after is a transformation of  of a handful of cells into England's best.Upon meeting Miss Holmes, 23, who was crowned Miss England earlier this year, Lord Winston said: “It’s better than a butterfly from a caterpillar.”
      As they chatted about the IVF treatment procedure, Lord Winston showed her a film of cell division, telling her: “This is where you and I first met.”
Picking up a test tube, Miss Holmes said: “I can’t believe I was small enough to fit in there.”

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