Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It All Ends: Female Viagra is here

Female Viagra as a nasal spray

14 years after Viagra hit the market, a female prototype is being tested and undergoing trials in the form of a nasal spray called Tefina. How cool!

According to This Magazine, Tefina, is a testosterone gel that gets sprayed up the nose and absorbed within minutes, with effects that could be felt within hours. Aimed to combat Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD), also known as anorgasmia, Tefina is “a bioadhesive ‘no touch’ intranasal low-dose gel formulation of testosterone.” From the company Trimel the nasal spray is designed for “use as required” treatment, and has virtually no side effects like acne, hair growth, and voice deepening.
The drug, which intends to increase orgasms for females, is being tested in Australia, the United States, and even Canada, where Health Canada recently approved the trials.
There seems to be a lot of heat surrounding the race to put a female equivalent of Viagra on the market, as is outlined in Liz Canner’s 2011 documentary Orgasm Inc.

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  • It All Ends: Female Viagra is here 14 years after Viagra hit the market, a female prototype is being tested and undergoing trials in the form of a nasal spray called Tefina. How cool! According to This Magazine, Tefina, is a testosterone gel that gets spray… Read More

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