The assault happened early Friday morning in the village of Musari on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the city where the sect known as Boko Haram first launched its guerrilla campaign of shootings and car bombings against Nigeria’s weak central government. The gunmen shouted religious slogans and later ordered those there to be gathered up into a group, said Mshelia Inusa, a primary school teacher in the village.
“We heard some people chanting, ‘God is great, God is great’ amid sounds of banging on doors of houses at about 1 am,” the teacher said. “A voice was heard ordering people to be slaughtered and also voices of children were heard screaming.”
Inusa said he and others later saw corpses with their hands tied behind their backs and their throats cut.
Later Friday morning, an ambulance arrived at the State Specialists Hospital in Maiduguri, accompanied by a group of military vehicles, a security guard said. Agitated soldiers ordered people away, but the guard said he counted at least 15 bodies being brought into the facility’s morgue.
Despite a heavy military and police presence, Boko Haram have continued to launch frequent attacks. More than 780 people have been killed in Boko Haram attacks so far this year, according to an Associated Press count.
President Goodluck Jonathan has again re-assured Nigerians of his administration's preparedness to end the menace of Boko Haram, saying the activities of the group would not push the nation backward.
Speaking Sunday at a Sunday Church Service he attended at the Ekklisiyar Yaruwa a Nigeria (EYN), (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), Utako, Abuja, the president re-assured that his administration was working assiduously to address the security challenges in the country.
He noted that adequate measures had been put in place to contain the menace of the Boko Haram group, assuring the congregation that the security plans put in place were already yielding positive results.
Jonathan further disclosed that the strategic security arrangement helped abort the plans by the group to attack on Christmas day.
According to him: "The Boko Haram planned to carry out a lot of attacks on Christmas day, but we suppressed their plans during the Christmas, because the extent of their plans was not executed because of the strategies put in place by the security agencies to abort their plans.
"Although, we still recorded some incidences but the extent of attacks which they planned was not allowed to be executed.
"Boko Haram will not push us backwards. If their plan is to stop government from providing dividend of democracy, they would not succeed because 2013 will be a good year for Nigerians and Nigeria.
"With your persistent prayer we shall defeat them."
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