Saturday, January 12, 2013

UN women chief Michelle Bachelet first official visit to Nigeria

UN women chief visits Ushafa Pottery in Nigerian to empower women

The UN under secretary general and Executive Director of UN's women is on a regional tour to promote women's right. This is her first official visit to West Africa and Nigeria and she would attempt to promote an effective policy that would ensure women's economic and political rights across the country.

Bachelete, the former Chilean president told journalists in Abuja that “one of the problems we have seen worldwide is that there are good laws in place but they are not implemented.” Police or judges often do not take the allegations of abuse against women seriously enough, she said. “Or many times the husband or the people who did the violence, the perpetrators, they convince the women to withdraw the claims ...,” she said. 
Bachelete speaking to a women's congerence in Nigeria
Bachelete  speaking to a group of women in Abuja, Nigeria

I thought she looked fabulous in that outfit. Agree?

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