Monday, March 25, 2013

Millions protest against gay marriage in France

An estimated 1.4 million people protested against gay marriage in France Sunday. The crowd filled the streets up the avenue of 'Grande Armee' in Paris from the Arc of Defense and the Arc de Triomphe, to demonstrate their opposition to the President. The president, François Hollande plan to legalize marriage and adoption of children by homosexual couples. 

Millions protest against gay marriage in France

The most recent polls have shown a sharp decline in the number of supporters of marriage between persons of the same sex in France, and a large majority also opposes gay adoption. The banners from the protest included "hands off my kids" and "we want jobs, not gay marriages."

Thousands protest against gay marriage in Paris

A million Frenchmen opposes gay marriage

According to the agency, the protesters were involved in some disputes with the police, who used tear gas against the crowd. The movement was led by comedian frigide Barjot. Over 300 thousand people gathered near the Arc de Triomphe to the march, according to French police.

In April, the French Senate is expected to approve the bill to approve gay marriage, after it has already been passed by the lower house of parliament.

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