Thursday, February 6, 2014

President Goodluck Jonathan's Job Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

President Goodluck Jonathan's Job Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

It's surprising that President Goodluck Jonathan's approval ratings has hit the ceiling. Nigeria’s leading polling and survey company, NOIPolls Ltd has said that the governance rating of President Goodluck Jonathan has risen from 40 percent in December 2013 to 61 percent in January 2014. That is a massive increase from a government that has been plagued with ASUU Strike, Ministerial Scandal and Money fraud.

The latest governance poll results released by NOIPolls on Tuesday in Abuja showed that 61percent of Nigerians approved of the job performance of the Nigerian president in December 2013 and that the 21-point increase in the rating was due to improvement in power supply during the period. Naija do you agree?

According to the polling result, majority of Nigerians (44percent) said they experienced slight improvements in the situation of power supply to their households over the past one month.

This figure represents a 10-point increase in the proportion of respondents that experienced an improvement from December 2013 (34percent) and a 3-point decline when compared to January 2013 (47percent).

It noted that these were key findings from the Governance Snap Poll conducted in week of January 27th 2014 to gauge the opinions and perceptions of Nigerians regarding the approval rating of the president, the performance of the President on key elements of his transformation agenda, and the state of power supply in the country.

According to the analysis on geo-political zone, the South-East zone (76percent) has the highest proportion of respondents who approve of the President’s job performance, followed by the South-South zone (69percent).

It added that the South-West zone (27percent) has the highest proportion of respondents who disapprove of his performance, while the North-East (27percent) and North-West (26percent) zones led most respondents that remained neutral.

“A comparison with January 2013 results revealed that the proportion of Nigerians who gave a positive rating of the President’s job performance increased by 11-points and there was a corresponding 11-points decline in the proportion that gave his performance a negative rating over the 1 year period.

“Based on the responses, the President had an average nationwide ranking of 3 on a scale of 1 to 5 for his performance on Job Creation, Power, Economy, Health, Education, Agriculture & food security, Transportation and Foreign policy; indicating average performance. However, in the area of security, the president was ranked 4, signifying above average performance,’’ NOIPolls said.

Osas eye disagree with this approval rating and believe this is a planned strategy for a disgruntled, divided and inutile government.

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