Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, Same Nigeria Problems

New Year, Same Nigeria Problems

The first hours of a new year are always an ideal time for people across the globe to reflect on their themselves, the country and the government. They are an ideal moment to look back, in the hope that serious reflection (not just on 2014 but the last four decades) can improve conditions going forward. It is particularly vital that we in Nigeria stop this nonsensical of the government or a change in government will create jobs and decrease the rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

The Goodluck Jonathan administration wasn't different from the past administration. The government does not create jobs and should not be the sole source of employment. Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, has charged the Federal Government to prioritise the creation of employment opportunities for the nation’s teaming youths in the 2015 budget. Nigeria has one of the highest rate of unemployment in the world following the publicly reported 24 per cent rate.

One of Nigeria’s most influential pastors, the General Evangelist Worldwide of Christ Apostolic Church, Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara sees no foundation behind the unemployment problem in Nigeria.

He said ''I believe many of you know that God has blessed Nigeria with different natural resources. Apart from oil, we have good soil, weather, and many other untapped natural resources. This means more jobs can be created through these resources if they are exploited.'' I fully agree with this statement.

“A lot of Nigerians are hardworking. Many people want to work but cannot find work. They even want to venture into business but are not encouraged. For instance, the roads are in terrible state and as a result many hours are wasted in traffic every day. Vehicles get spoilt easily, while many unavoidable accidents happen because of bad roads.” I strongly disagree with the latter. Many Nigerians are not hardworking. They are blessed with talents and gifts currently not being utilized to their maximum potential. Majority of the unemployed believes that government is to blame for their unemployed state. Graduates sees no interest in becoming entrepreneurs-starting a small business from scratch.

Director-General of the Nigeria Employers' Consultative Association (NECA), Mr Olusegun Oshinowo, said that over 40 million Nigerian youths remained unemployed, in spite of the Federal Government's efforts at reducing unemployment. 40 million is alot. Nigerians needs to step up and turn their brilliant ideas into business. Enough of the stupid jokes on Nigerian forums like nairaland, gossip blogs and government talks. Start afresh in this new year.

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