Monday, March 28, 2016

Enroll or Not In Nigerian N500Million Naira Grant

Enroll or Not In Nigerian N500Million Naira Grant

Over 1000 Nigerians in 2016 are eligible for N500Million Naira Grant seed capital set aside for young Nigerian entrepreneurs and students. To enroll or apply for the YESGrant, you must be:
  1. A member of the Nigeria Young Professional Forum (NYPF). 
  2. Male or Female Nigerian between the ages of 18 and 40.
  3. Nigerian University students final year students and NYSC members. T

Eligible entrepreneurs will receive N500Million Naira Grant to develop and execute their business ideas. This will lead to accelerated job creation in Nigeria and encourage the culture of self-reliance. The programme will support both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs through a platform that showcases their business concepts, skills and aspirations to business leaders, investors and mentors all around the world.

YESGrant will give tuition fee support to University students and also create a support system that finances Science and Technology related projects from final year students and NYSC members. This category of YESGrant will motivate Nigerian students and encourage them to achieve their academic pursuits.

Selection will be through a rigorous, multi-step process. Applicants will be screened in order to identify those with the best talents, needs for support and potentials for positive economic impact to the Nigerian economy. No favorism.
Nigerians N500Million Naira YESGrant

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