Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Trump Lost the US Presidential Debate, TrumpWon Twitter

Trump Lost the US Presidential Debate

Donald Trump lost the US presidential debate on Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, on Monday, September 26 to Hillary Clinton but won the twitter trends. According to Facebook, more than 590,000 people are talking about the U.S. Presidential Debate. 

The term “Trump fans” “Trump girls” and “Trump jokes” is also a popular search on Facebook, with more than 87,000 people talking about any of these phrases. The hashtag #TrumpWon trends on Twitter.

“The microphone wasn’t working, the lighting was bad, my shoelace was untied, my drugs didn’t kick in, the questions were hard… #TrumpWon

TrumpWon third place last night, that’s how good he was.”

#TrumpWon among voters who were watching football… And hate women.”

#TrumpWon at being completely unprepared and sounding like a blithering idiot.”

“The only contest #TrumpWon was, ‘Who could be the most disruptive, reactive, combative, and simplistic.'”

“Federal tax evasion makes me smart. #RidiculousMantras #TrumpWon

“How is #TrumpWon a trending topic this morning? Did we watch the same thing?”

#TrumpWon So he belittles those suffering from a National Health Crisis: MORBID OBESITY.”

“I’m still trying to figure what the hell did he won? Is this about the debate that I didn’t watch last night?

“And these fools have the nerve to have #TrumpWon trending #GTFOH

“If you honestly think that #TrumpWon last night, then there’s no hope for you. I pity your mind. Lol.”

“This is so funny when it is Hillary’s actual army of real life paid trolls who start and spread these rumors. #TrumpWon

“No question about it that #TrumpWon the debate.”

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