Sunday, December 9, 2012

Italian Prime Minster to resign as Berlusconi announces return to power

Silvio Berlusconi, (L). Mario Morti (R) 

Italian politics has never been simple. The country is in the grip of political chaos again after Prime Minister Mario Monti announced he is resigning after the current budget gets Parliament’s approval.

Monti told President Giorgio Napolitano that he plans to step down following the passage of the budget law later this month.

He says he does not feel that he has the backing of parliament after Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right, People of Freedom Party, withdrew its support from his government. President Giorgio Napolitano said he wants Parliament to pass a vital budget law later this month, before he considers calling elections.

On Saturday Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right People for Freedom party (PDL) announced it would no longer support Mr. Monti after the former Prime Minister and Italy’s richest man announced he would run for Prime Minister again in elections scheduled for March 2013.
Mr. Monti’s decision to resign could advance the electoral date by a few weeks.

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