Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Woman slept for more than a year with husband's corpse

A woman in Anderlecht slept with her husband's corpse for more than a year. A medical examiner Philippe Boxho, hardly surprised by the news said " These are people who have big psychological problems or the elderly who suffer from dementia. For some, they do not realize that the other is dead. For others, they refuse to see him dead, a like a denial of pregnancy. "
Woman slept with husband's corpse

Marcel, 73 years old, no longer pay the rent for the apartment since November 2012 after he was hospitalized for a chronic illness. And when he died, his wife named Ghita and 69 years old, refused to admit the evidence and claimed that her husband was hospitalized. She kept the corpse of her husband for more than a year to herself in the room.

Last Friday, when the owner showed up at their home to throw Ghita out of his property, he discovered the body of Marcel, a mummy lying on the bed and the dog lying in the kitchen.

The neighbors had been alerted by the smell foul, but they thought the couple piled garbage in the apartment.
Prosecutors in Brussels said that investigation was opened " to shed light on this matter "and that the body will be autopsied.

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