Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lesego Daniel the eat grass Pastor in Police Trouble

Pastor Lesego Daniel in South African
A South African popular church leader has come under fire after reports that he made members of his congregation eat grass and get healed.
Pastor Lesego Daniel in South African Trouble for eating grass
Eat grass and get healed or sick

eat grass pastor south african

Pastor Lesego Daniel, who is based in Garankuwa, north of Pretoria, is the General Oversea of Rabboni Centre Ministries in Pretoria, South Africa. He told dozens of followers to eat grass because “it will bring them closer to God”.

“Sleep,” he screams. Six people in the marquee immediately go into deep slumber.

The “miracle man” orders other congregants to slap and trample on them. But the sleepers remain rigid and unresponsive.

Several minutes later, he yells: “Wake up,”and they break out of their deep sleep.

“You can leave them like this for six months. I love this, I don’t want to be bored. You can even make police go to sleep when they come to arrest you,”

“Yes, we eat grass and we’re proud of it because it demonstrates that, with God’s power, we can do anything,” says Rosemary Phetha.
Photos of Pastor Lesego Daniel
Abuse? No, its a miracle

 The 21-year-old Unisa law student says she had been battling a sore throat for more than a year. She claims it was healed after Daniel “turned me into a sheep and instructed me to eat grass”.

Her testimony is shared by 27-year-old Doreen Kgatle, of Ga-rankuwa, who suffered a stroke two years ago.

“I could not walk but soon after eating the grass, as the pastor had ordered, I started gaining strength and an hour later I could walk again,” said Kgatle, clad in the ministry’s R150 T-shirt. Nearby, a visibly sick woman lies draped in a black cloth.

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