Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mark Zuckerberg celebrates 10th anniversary of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg celebrates 10th anniversary of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg celebrates 10th anniversary of the social network Facebook. On February 4, 2004 Mark Zuckerberg , 19, a sophomore at the University of Harvard (USA) founded the primitive Facemash at Harvard, where he took classes to compare students based on their appeal. That tool as traffic generated much controversy. Collapsed university servers before it was closed and nearly cost him his expulsion Zuckerberg, who by then was 19 and would soon leave the race Computing Facebook to engage full time. 

In December 2004, just 10 months after seeing the light, reached one million Facebook users. Today the social network keeps more than 1,200 million, almost half of people who have access to internet on the planet. The start, takeoff and controversy that enveloped Facebook was told by several books and even caught the attention of Hollywood, which in 2010 released "The Social Network," a film that won three Oscars and immortalized on the big screen dispute Zuckerberg and some Harvard classmates who accused him of stealing their idea. Zuckerberg ended up paying $ 60 million to settle the lawsuit, a figure that is small compared to the 1,500 million profit generated by Facebook in 2013.

On Thursday, after the success of 2013, the share of Facebook closed at a record high of $ 62.57, bringing the group's value to more than 150,000 million.

"It's been an incredible journey so far and I'm very grateful to be a part of it," said Zuckerberg, billionaire CEO of Facebook, in a statement to mark the tenth anniversary of the company.

In 10 years, Facebook has gone from being a daring project to students whose performance was in question, to be the standard of social network, an established business and traded a familiar place where teens meet their parents and grandparents . However, between January 2011 and January 2014, Facebook lost more than 3 million users ages 13 to 17. The same happened in the strip 18 to 24, according to a study by consultancy iStrategyLabs.

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