Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why are Nigerians upset with President Goodluck on Daughter's Wedding?

President Goodluck on Daughter's Wedding
The marriage of Elisabeth Sakwe, the adopted daughter of Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan, has caused an uproar in the country. The extravaganza wedding was broadcast on national television and leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of concerned Nigerians. 

The picture below has not helped the president and could even tarnish his presidential election after the news broke that a gold plated designed iPhone by luxury designer Michael Malivelihood were offered to wedding guests by the president. Were these expensive gifts financed by the federal or state fund?

A tweet from Michael Malivelihood tried to defuse the controversy by claiming that the iPhone
were gifts from his design agency for the newlyweds and their guests, and had nothing to do with the government. 

Why are Nigerians upset with President Goodluck on Daughter's Wedding?

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  1. jonathan's presidential ambitions have been scratched from day1, It has nothing to do with d wedding tho the wedding might have added petrol to sa ish

    Any child that cries is a servant of the devil

    1. my friend's step-mother makes dollars64 hourly on the lap­­­top . She has been out of a job for 5 months b­­­ut last month her check w­­­as dollars1632­­­3 ­­­just working on the laptop for a few hours. Go Here

  2. It was a 'National Wedding' The resources to struggling Nigerians were involved. The bag and iphone even had the Nigerian coat of arms
