Friday, June 27, 2014

Tetris wins Guiness record for 29-Story game

Tetris wins Guiness record for 29-Story game

I am an avid game, no doubt. I have no bias for the form – board, electronic, computer –just name it. Should I also mention I just bought a PS 4 from an online shopping site. Well, that is not the main issue now – it is Tetris! I happen to love games – no matter what, they tend to task your brain to an extent.
In April, Drexel University associate professor Frank Lee created a version of the popular puzzle game Tetris that people could play on the side of the 29-story Cira Centre in Philadelphia, just in time for the 30th anniversary of one of the most addictive game. Now, Guinness World Records is officially recognizing the event as the “largest architectural video game display “I’m delighted that we were able to earn this recognition once again,” Lee said in a press release on Drexel University’s website. “More so than breaking a record, my goal with this project was to unite the people of the city of Philadelphia around a public art installation — to give them a shared experience and inspire them to think about how a building can be more than just a building and, by extension, how the city can be much more than just a bunch of buildings and people sharing the same space.”
Tetris is no stranger to the record books. Notably, Harry Hong also got in the Guinness book with an incredible game of Tetris DX, clearing 4,988 lines and reaching the max score of 9,999,999. Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov originally created Tetris on an Elektronika 60 computer. I love Tetris, been playing it since I was 7. Such a lovely game.

What is your favourite game? I think I can safely challenge anyone here to a football game on FIFA 14! Games are engaging – they help one become a critical thinker, trust me. You do not need a to spend on an Xbox or PS. If you have a decent laptop, you can simply buy games online or in game shops. Most games that you have for Playstation and Xbox work on good PCs with good specs.


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