Tuesday, July 15, 2014

BringBackOurGirls: 100 days since schoolgirls vanished

BringBackOurGirls: 100 days since schoolgirls vanished

Coming to the first 100 days since 200 Nigerian Chibok Schoolgirls were taken, a new video footage shows the Boko Haram group's leader Abubaker Shekau standing in front of rows of tanks and fighters.

The 16-minute video, which was obtained by Agence France Press and released on Sunday, appears to show Boko Haram's leader Abu Bakr Shekau flanked by several gunmen and two armored personnel carriers. Shekau is seen dancing and jumping around in a mocking tone he seemingly directed at Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan he says: "Bring back our girls, bring back our army."

He then shouts: "Kill, kill, kill Christians," before claiming he is ruled by the Koran and not the Nigerian constitution.

Footage of the youngsters, who have been missing for more than three months, is then shown although it is unclear when it was taken.

The new video hampers dream of any release of the missing schoolgirls and leaves more pain to the families and Nigerians worldwide.

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