Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Japanese Pussy boat Vagina Artist Arrested

Japanese Pussy boat Vagina Artist Arrested

A Japanese Tokyo-based artist Megumi Igarashi, 42, was arrested on Saturday for sending data that could be used to creating and distributing 3D models of her vagina for printing..

Megumi Igarashi - who works under the alias Rokudenashiko or ‘good-for-nothing kid’ - produced the 3D scan as part of a crowdfunded project to create a kayak modelled on her genitalia.

Thirty of the individuals who funded the craft (which Igarashi calls the “p***y boat”) were sent the digital file as a thank you – an action that led to Igarashi being arrested by Tokyo police for breaking Japanese obscenity laws.

The police alleged that Igarashi, 42, collected around 1 million yen (£5700) in exchange for the scans, but local media has reported that Igarashi denies this and does not recognize the 3D scans as obscene.

The 42-year-old artist first made a name for herself with her ‘deko-man’ series of dioramas based on molds of her genitalia. ‘Deko’ is short for decoration, and ‘man’ for the Japanese word ‘manko’ which translates as ‘p***y’.

“Why did I start making this kind of art pieces?” writes Igarashi on her website. “That was because I had not seen p***y of others and worried too much about mine. I did not know what a p***y should look like at the same time I though mine is just abnormal."

"I wanted to make p***y more casual and pop. That's how I came to make a p***y lampshade, a remote-controlled p***y car, a p***y accessory, a p***y smartphone case, and so on."

“I was wondering how I can make it possible, and then I finally found that 3D scanner can make it happen easily! 3D scanner can be used to make a p***y boat that will go across the ocean!”

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