Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nigeria Buhari Names Ministers and Cabinet

Buhari Names Ministers and Cabinet

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has said in an opinion piece in The Washington Post that he will not appoint cabinet ministers until September, having taken office on May 29 despite calls that he is taking too long. Is 6 weeks too long? Why are voices so desperate for the release and appointment of Buhari's cabinet?

"Nigeria must first put new rules of conduct and good governance in place," wrote Buhari, in an article for The Washington Post.

"When cabinet ministers are appointed in September, it will be some months after I took the oath of office. It is worth noting that Obama himself did not have his full cabinet in place for several months after first taking office; the United States did not cease to function in the interim''

"In Nigeria's case, it would neither be prudent nor serve the interests of sound government to have made these appointments immediately on my elevation to the presidency; instead, Nigeria must first put new rules of conduct and good governance in place.

"So the path we must take is simple, even if it is not easy: First, instil rules and good governance; second, install officials who are experienced and capable of managing state agencies and ministries; and third, seek to recover funds stolen under previous regimes so that this money can be invested in Nigeria for the benefit of all of our citizens", he noted.

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