Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mother throws children from the window

A42 year old mother in Busto Arsizio confessed on Saturday, that she had thrown her two children from the window because "She can't take it anymore." The two children, 6 and 3 years, are in serious conditions. Both suffered multiple fracture wounds and damages. The 6 year old boy suffered a head injury and was taken to a hospital in Legnano. The 3 year old child suffered a trauma to the abdomen and is hospitalized. 
mother throws children out from the window

The woman, Italian, and seemingly quiet, was alone at home with their children. They lived on the third floor of an apartment building. Her neighbors had reported to the police and called an ambulance following the discovery of two lifeless bodies. The mother was placed in custody.  She is "collaborative," but "non-glossy", say police sources. 

She has been treated in the past for depression.

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  1. I feel sorry for her. Most mothers are depressed

  2. I didn,t know that 1 of the 10 symptoms of depression was murder. Suicide, yes but not murder. Wow, since most of the population in the world experiences depression at one point or another, I guess i better watch out! If someone tells me they,re feeling depressed I,m not going to ask how or why, I,m running the other way!
