Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"All Nigerians are corrupt, that's 177 million people" says Kalu

"All Nigerians are corrupt, that's 177 million people" says Kalu

Nigeria has “taken corruption to another level,” complained one foreign businessman. Orji Uzor Kalu, a former governor and wealthy businessman said in an exclusive interview that was granted to Forbes Doug Bandow “The entire society from A to Z is corrupt.” Are all Nigerians really corrupt. I'm not. I know some Nigerians that are not corrupt.

Pay-offs, bribery are a way of life in Nigeria, including the authorities. The human rights group Freedom House noted that “Corrupt officers are often supported by a chain of command that encourages and institutionalizes graft.” Such corruption facilitates violence. Boko Haram publicly celebrated its ability to buy off security forces when launching attacks.

Corruption also undermines economic productivity. One foreign businessman added “I’ve bribed a lot of people. If someone cannot be bribed, your competition has paid them more. It is endemic, cultural corruption. You can’t get anything done without greasing a hand.” 

An expatriate worker observed: “Nigeria is not a country. It is an opportunity.” Transparency International rated Nigeria among the world’s most corrupt nations, ranking 144 out of 177. Nigeria, with a population of 177 million, is a potential powerhouse but all are corrupt.

State enterprises, especially the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, assessed as the world’s least transparent energy company, are founts of abuse. In February President Goodluck Jonathan removed the central bank president after the latter charged that billions of dollars in oil revenues were missing from the national treasury. Even the NNPC acknowledged being unable to account for some $11 billion.

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  1. If nigerians are corrupt does dat mk u too to b corrupt

  2. Orji Uzor Kalu is not corrupt?

  3. Is this some April Fool prank

  4. You can only speak for yourself. I can bet my life i am not corrupt

  5. Imagine Americans talking about corruption in other countries. This is a country where business men buy laws specially designed for their benefit. Just take a look at America's dysfunctional gun laws. These laws were specially designed, bought and paid for the benefit of gun manufacturers. This is country that spent hundreds of billions of dollars not to mention hundred of thousands of lives, under false pretences, for private profits.

    The only difference between Nigerian corruption and the American version is that the Nigerian one is more democratic, while the American sheeple have been hypnotized to believe their version works for them.

  6. Don't ever compare the U.S to Nigeria!

    In the U.S can you bribe a cop openly? Do you have to bribe lecturers for good grades? Do you bribe nurses in hospitals? What about Judges?

    Corruption destroys EVERY fabric of a society. Corruption has destroyed Nigeria.
