Wednesday, March 6, 2013

harlem shake hits AFRICA


The YouTube phenomenon “Harlem Shake”recorded by Brooklyn disc jockey and producer Baauer has popped up in spots all over the world, but in Africa, the video has spark religious rivalry between the secularists and Islamists.

Students at El Menzah high school in Tunisia filmed their own version of the global YouTube video sensation in which participants dance maniacally for 30 seconds to the song Harlem Shake, by Brooklyn DJ Bauuer.

Students in the U.S. have been suspended for recording the videos, and the American Federal Aviation Authority launched an investigation on Feb. 28 after one video was recorded on a flight from Colorado Springs.

In Egypt, activists performed the dance in front of the offices of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, coupled with chants of "leave, leave

Conservative Muslims want the harlem shake to stop.
Opinions over the videos have been split, with some calling it immoral and provocative. 

Baauer's 'Harlem Shake' is currently at Billboard #1
"It's literally unbelievable," he says of his song shooting to No. 1. "It's amazing to have this track recognized by the world"

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