Monday, December 30, 2013

Mandela Tops Google's most searched of 2013

Google has published the list of most searched terms this year ends. Osas eye bring you the so-called 'Zeitgeist 2013' List. Google analyzed visitors from over 181 countries and 146 languages to find the most searched terms of the year with the rankings of people, events, 'trending topics', hashtags and other varieties of terms of new social networks and online platforms.

Google released top 10  most searched terms of 2013

List of characters in Google searches:
  1. Nelson Mandela
  2. Paul Walker
  3. Malala Yousaf
  4. James Gandol
  5. Miley Cyrus
  6. Oscar Pistorius
If we leave the terms strictly related to personalities , we find:

  1. Nelson Mandela
  2. Paul Walker
  3. iPhone 5S
  4. Cory Monteith
  5. Harlem Shake
  6. Boston Marathon
  7. Real Baby
  8. Samsung Galaxy S4
  9. PlayStation 4
  10. North Korea

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